Q2. How do I know this is TRUE LOVE
A: How do you know love is true This is a question that we've all wanted the answer to...
A: How do you know love is true This is a question that we've all wanted the answer to
And I have to say this way I am a child of God so I'm always going to direct you back to the Lord you got to go to God about this you have to bring your love story to the Lord you have to seek God for what is true what is right and what is what God calls it to be in your life in this time and in this season because there is a heavy spirit of deception when it comes down to relationships because the enemy does not want you to find true love
The other day I was up in the middle of the night and I heard a radio program on a radio talking about twin flames versus something I forgot what that soulmates or something like that and it really bothered me because of the fact that what it is is different ideologies different belief systems taking and perverting the viewpoint of what God's view of relationships are and bringing it into a new wage practices and other types of practices same formula different God God Little G
Is there such a thing as true love absolutely God has someone for you but most people and I'm going to tell you the truth of the matter
Are not willing to wait on God to see the result
Most people have a particular individual in mind maybe they had a past lover maybe they have a current lover maybe they have somebody that they desire for them to have as their partner in the future but they aren't with them they were with them or what have you and it wasn't them
What how can you say it wasn't them it has to be aligned Now could it have been it could have been it just means that they were out of season with one another Some people are simply just out of season from one another but you have to seek God first if you never sought God for that partner how can you claim this individual is the true love of your life how do you know when you haven't sought the almighty creator
Secondarily are you in alignment meaning do you know what your calling is where you're supposed to go you can't sit up there and say oh I'm in true love with this individual if you don't know what you're calling is how can I say this I've seen it happen again and again as a creator myself that I've seen the storylines go and it goes like this
They met somebody they married somebody some of them even had children with these individuals
They had a level of success in whatever capacity that they could have it in that season of their life it worked it was okay but when they finally came into alignment with what their true calling and what it was that they were supposed to do with their lives as they perfectly began to pursue the depth of the direction that they were supposed to go in their life what ended up happening is if they were attached to a partner whether they were dating them or married if that person was not rightly aligned with them eventually the person had to leave
Why Because the person was there for a reason or season but they were not meant to be there for a lifetime True love or what's truly supposed to be in your life is going to be there for the expanse of that period and is not going to be easily moved when certain things start to happen this is why God will test the relationships that are around you in order to show you who your friends are doing hard seasons because he needs to show you who these individuals are including the people that you have partnered up with the reason he won't let you marry certain folks the reason why he won't allow you to be an alignment with certain people the reason why the things that you put your hands to won't work while these people are around is because of the fact that they're not called to be and help you carry that thing they must separate from you for what he's called for you to do to work and most people don't want to hear about this because that means I love him isn't going to work
Secondarily this a lot of people aren't willing to do the work for the partner that they actually are truly called to walk with because that person has a different anointing on them to cover what it is that their call to do and advise them so there's a level of warfare and that comes with this then most people aren't willing to go through the process same of the multiple levels of processing breaking things spiritually breaking curses destroying certain things in their life destroying certain things that do not come into alignment with God in their own lives but also praying for the partner that they're supposed to be an alignment with that the things that are supposed to be destroyed in their life are destroyed so that they can have a clean slate and be clarified cleansed and made fully holy before the Lord so that the two of you are coming together as two clean clarified and purified beings
But most people what they truly want is that they don't want to ask God who their partner is because if they know who their partner is that means they can't continue to operate in rebellion to God's will wait or want in their life and they don't have to take responsibility to the fullness of the capacity that God needs is going to take responsibility for because they aren't walking with God like that so when you actually want a true love the person that you're supposed to walk this out with the person you're supposed to run this race with the one that you supposed to truly fight these battles side by side with most people don't want to do that second there leader that they don't want to warfare of having to try to maintain that relationship
Because if it's a true relationship by God and God sent it guess what the enemy going to fight it tooth and nail and even when you do get into this relationship there's going to be a level of warfare because the enemy doesn't I want you to remain together why cuz Satan wants to take out relationships of God and most people just the idea of the fight fight to get into it if I stay in it fight the fight they don't want to deal with it because they want to give into the edict above
The idea that true love is supposed to be sweet and easy and relaxing and beast in that but the fact of the matter is yeah you're supposed to have peace in your relationship in the relationship it's supposed to be piece of God in the relationship there is actually supposed to be rest amongst the two of you in the relationship there is supposed to be train quality but when it comes to the battles outside of the relationship when it comes to the seasons that you must deal with warfare you need to be able to fight back to back You need to be able to have skirt to a wisdom together You need to be able to walk in the calling that you're supposed to walk into and you're supposed to be able to maintain that period of time If you understand what I'm saying So with that being said you need that partner that can be arm and arm shield to shield sword to sword our iron sharpens iron individual that's going to be set standing at your side people don't need this person it's like oh I need my true love
Everybody wants to romanticize true love as oh I found my true love we get to go off into the sunset together but I was the one that grew up on the edict that if you've paid attention to every Hero Battle war cry movie what have you was always the case with the two people that should have actually been together they were going through hell and high water to maintain their relationship where they not and in some cases a lot of cases they didn't end up getting the outcome they wanted for their relationship because of the fight against it whether it was either individuals choices or whether it was either one of them operating in fear but true love it takes a tonicity to continual continually choose it just like the love that you have for the Lord love that you have for Jesus Christ it takes a continual yes and maintenance to say yes to that relationship
It's not a quick easy one two three type thing it's a scenario that it takes work to maintain it I was reading a book on love and respect by pastor in the pastor said that you need to view your marriage like Jesus views the bride and the fact that your love of Jesus Christ consistent choice to choose the LORD That's what a relationship of God is going to do Most people they don't have that relationship most people they they want what they want and I've seen it over and over again even from other Christians that they won't stick in the kingdom marriage journey for what it truly is not for the prettiness of the idea of having a kingdom marriage but for the work that it takes to maintain it most people won't stand in that most people will be like oh I want to go find a replacement oh I want to go do this and there's a bunch of people that are telling that story but you have to know that if you're standing for kingdom it's gonna take work because you're not called to an average relationship you're not called to an average situation you're called to maintain something that's bigger than you you're called to a greater calling and nine times out of ten you're not just called to cover somebody that has a great calling on them they're called to cover you cuz guess what baby you got a great calling on you too
Video - 1: TRUE LOVE
True love is not all it's cracked up to be if it's true lead for you from God it takes work and that is what you have to be ready and willing to do
For those of us that have stood for kingdom marriage we have been standing in the gap foreign individual to find themselves Find God Find their way in their purpose for their life and to be pruned pressed and walk through a process that God had to put them through in order for them to be prepared to walk with us in life
And a lot of people are not willing to wait on that because it doesn't sound romanticized like everybody else loves they like the romanticizing this but let's be real and honest it does not operate like that and once people realize that true love is not something that's easy it's something that takes work to maintain but when you're with the right person walking in the right direction walking in life together then you will be able to maintain the momentum needed in necessary to accomplish your goals in life and leave the legacy that's needed in necessary for your family your children and so forth
So don't fall for the hype of just true love understand that it takes work and it takes you being willing to do the work on you to be prepared just as they have to become prepared for you so that you can walk together properly